
2024-05-24 00:23

1. 翻译一段文字(汉译英)

1,I hope you like the embroidery I gave you and you could make it yourself according by the notes on the packing. If you succeed, maybe you should show it to your mom, she will be pleased.

2, This is an teacup, moreover, an art which I hope you could cherish.
It's very costly, LOL, just kidding. Oh, by the way, if used for long time, there would be tea stain in the cup and you could clear it by using some dental cream. Thank you for taking the picture with me, wish you and your family a happy and peaceful life forever!

3, Thank you for taking the picture with me and nice to meet you, my present is a oxhorn and the sculpture on it is sybolism of bravery. I believe you are a courageous man who can become a winner in your life.Wish you always happy! 



2. 翻译这段文字(译成英文)

Mother ele gave birth to a mulberry of lively and lovely little like GanGui, live in the realm of ayu Jeremiah in the forest. However, he never saw dad. GanGui steal ran out of the forest, decided to find father. But he broke into the enemy army camp, in a tent met a giant elephants, with two red eyes, blunt he growled. The prince stop HongSha soldiers into the tent, GanGui grasp the attempt to save his life. The tired and hungry GanGui met a beautiful small matriarch Sally. After several months and Sally's also became sweet partner. GanGui to fight like selection ahead, the prince GanGui announced that he is in the car, and his foes, save for battle.

3. 翻译下这几段文字(汉译英)

1. These weapons, whether in the hands of national government or the hands of non-state actors, can result in a more conventional weapons, more than any large-scale damage, its indiscriminate effects more significant, damaging more durable. Because of the existence of such weapons, world peace is threatened at any time, but if the terrorist organizations, groups or individuals fall into the hands, the result would yes unbearable thought of.
2. Weapons of mass destruction related to world peace and even the survival of human civilization, so our attitude is resolute, it is held firmly against weapons of mass destruction against the attitude.
3. In the international political context, countries should strive to maintain a relative balance, mutual restraint, against the hegemony of the emergence of relatively weak countries not lead to a very strong sense of insecurity.
Reward points for each degree of tan have been swallowed up ... ... so I had to give points in the translation of Rights following the English language over ~ hope people can help me,


4. 求一段文字的翻译汉译英

All have their own personal guardian angels, who remain with them forever. If your angel finds that your life is too tragic, or that your mood is too dark, he takes the shape of a human being near you. Perhaps it is your friend, or your lover, or your parents, or even a stranger you've met only once. These people appear quietly in your life to spend a brief but happy time with you, then leave without notice. Then, you will be left with recollections of happiness, so that even if your later path in life remains arduous, you could still retain your courage by remembering the past. So, all who have silently left us are really only angels returning to heaven--the friends who have gone, the strangers who have helped you, the lovers with whom you have parted, the classmate who told a funny joke, the singer who sang a lovely song, the writer who wrote a good book... they are all benevolent angels. Perhaps, for a while, you will feel sad or lost from their departure, and you will look all around to find out where they've gone, but in the end, you will believe that they are somewhere in this world, living happily and contently. And so all the feelings of sadness and loss will be gone, as time is the greatest healer.

5. 翻译这段文字

兰之味兰之味,非可逼而取也。盖在有无近远续断之间,纯以情韵胜。氲氲无所,故称瑞耳。体兼彩,而不极于色,令人览之有馀,而名之不可;即善绘者以意取似,莫能肖也。其真文王、孔子、原之徒,不可得而亲,不可得而疏者耶? (选自张大复《梅花草堂集》)[译文]兰花的香气,不是逼近可以闻嗅品赏的;是在似有似无,忽远忽近,时断时续之间,纯粹以情韵取胜,弥漫飘忽,没有一定的地方,所以被看作吉祥的芳草。兰花,兼有各种颜色,但她的色彩素淡清纯、含蓄温润,决不是姹紫嫣红、艳丽眩目的,使人能够得到无穷的视觉愉悦和心灵的感受,却又难以用语言来表达;兰花的形态意趣,即使是善于绘画的人,也只能凭自己的体味来描绘兰花的形状,不能与兰花的神韵相像。兰花恐怕就是周文王、孔夫子、屈原大夫的同类,不可以亵玩,但又是“不可以一日无此君”的。


6. 翻译这段文字
















































7. 帮忙翻译一段文章,英译汉

In the 1960s, Henry Mintzberg did a careful study of five chief executives at work.What he discovered challenged several long-held notions about the manager's job.
For instance, in contrast to the predominant views at the time that managers were reflective thinkers who carefully and systematically processed information before making decisions, Mingtzberg found that his managers engaged in a large number of varied, un-patterned, and short duration activities. There was little time for reflective thinking because the managers encountered constant interruptions. Half of these managers' activities lasted less than nine minutes each.
But in addition to these insights Mintzberg provided a categorization scheme for defining what managers do based on actual managers on the job.


8. 求翻译:一段英文翻译

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