
2024-06-14 08:04

1. 养老保险英文怎么说

问题一:“养老保险”英语怎么说  养老保险 
  endowment insurance 
   问题二:养老保险用英语怎么说  养老保险 
  endowment insurance 
  Old-age insurance 
  The rules suggest that pensions may be portable, but do not say how exactly this will work―and it is difficult for retired foreigners to obtain permanent residency in China. 
   问题三:“养老保险”用英文怎么说  the old-age insurance system 
   问题四:五险一金的英语翻译,养老保险,医疗保险。。。。  endowment insurance 养老保险 
  medical insurance 医疗保险 
  unemp福oyment insurance 失业保险 
  employment injury insurance 工伤保险 
  maternity insurance 生育保险 
  housing fund 住房公积金 
   问题五:“养老金”英语怎么说  养老金 
  [劳经] annuity 
  old-age pension 
  Age pension 
   问题六:“养老金”用英语怎么说  “养老金”用英语 
   问题七:“养老保险”的翻译  endowment insurance 养老保险 
  medical insurance 医疗保险 
  unemployment insurance 失业保险 
  employment injury insurance 工伤保险 
  maternity insurance 生育保险 
  housing fund 住房公积金 
   问题八:养老保险制度的英文怎么说  养老保险制度 
  Endowment insurance system 
   问题九:"养老金"英语怎么说  old-age pension 
   问题十:五险一的英文翻译  “五险”指的是五种保险,包括养老保险(endowment insurance)、医疗保险(medical insurance)、失业保险(unemployment insurance)、工伤保险(employment injury insurance)和生育保险(maternity insurance);“一金”指的是住房公积金(Housing Provident Fund)。 


2. 养老保险英文怎么说?

问题一:“养老保险”英语怎么说  养老保险 
  endowment insurance 
   问题二:养老保险用英语怎么说  养老保险 
  endowment insurance 
  Old-age insurance 
  The rules suggest that pensions may be portable, but do not say how exactly this will work―and it is difficult for retired foreigners to obtain permanent residency in China. 
   问题三:“养老保险”用英文怎么说  the old-age insurance system 
   问题四:五险一金的英语翻译,养老保险,医疗保险。。。。  endowment insurance 养老保险 
  medical insurance 医疗保险 
  unemp福oyment insurance 失业保险 
  employment injury insurance 工伤保险 
  maternity insurance 生育保险 
  housing fund 住房公积金 
   问题五:“养老金”英语怎么说  养老金 
  [劳经] annuity 
  old-age pension 
  Age pension 
   问题六:“养老金”用英语怎么说  “养老金”用英语 
   问题七:“养老保险”的翻译  endowment insurance 养老保险 
  medical insurance 医疗保险 
  unemployment insurance 失业保险 
  employment injury insurance 工伤保险 
  maternity insurance 生育保险 
  housing fund 住房公积金 
   问题八:养老保险制度的英文怎么说  养老保险制度 
  Endowment insurance system 
   问题九:"养老金"英语怎么说  old-age pension 
   问题十:五险一的英文翻译  “五险”指的是五种保险,包括养老保险(endowment insurance)、医疗保险(medical insurance)、失业保险(unemployment insurance)、工伤保险(employment injury insurance)和生育保险(maternity insurance);“一金”指的是住房公积金(Housing Provident Fund)。 

3. “养老”英语怎么说

       名词解释 :在目前广大的农村地区,家庭养老、土地养老、社会保险养老三种模式是基本的养老保障方式,而社区养老模式则是一种新的尝试。你知道怎么用英语表达吗?
         Now the Hong Kong government, under pressure to provide subsidized care for almost 30,000 elderly people on the waiting list, is looking to neighboring Guangdong province to provide the space, and a partial solution, for its demographic problem.
         "We're not forcing the elderly to go to Guangdong or the mainland to grow old," says Ng Hang-sau, chief executive of the Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation. "This scheme just gives one more option to Hong Kong residents. If they choose to come to the mainland, they can get a place quite quickly. If not, they have to continue to be waiting."
         文中的grow old就是“养老”的意思,其中grow作为系动词,其后接形容词作表语,而不接副词,如:You will grow wiser by experience.(你有了经验就会更聪明些。)
         老龄化(aging)已成为一个全球化的问题,多元化的(diversified)养老模式势在必行,如:居家养老(home care)、社区养老(community care)和以房养老(the housing endowment)等。


4. 怎么说养老保险制度的英文

[词典]pension system;IPRR;the pension system
1、Fiscal responsibility defect of government restricts the development of rural social endowment insurance. 
2、In 1997, China introduced a national pension system that requires employers and employees to contribute. 
3、The old-age insurance system for village cadres wereestablished. 
4、Our government chose liaoning as endowment insurance reform experiment province to perfect the endowment insurance system. 
5、Pension insurance has optimal payment rate based on individual utility and social welfare maximization.

5. 养老保险制度的英文怎么说

养老保险制度的英文:the old-age insurance system
old是什么意思:adj. 年老的;陈旧的;古老的;以前的;原来的n. 古时The Old Mandarin老官吏 You old misery!你这个爱抱怨的老家伙!It is an old aphorism.这是一句老格言。age是什么意思:n. 年龄;时代,时期;年龄段v. 长大,变老This is a bulletin on aging.这是关于老龄问题的期刊。They are close in age. 他们年龄相仿。It will be a production that will be handed on from age to age.这将是传世之作。insurance是什么意思:n. 保险;保险费;预防措施The amount of a claim on an insurer by an insured.险损赔偿额保险人从承保人获得的赔偿数量。An insurance company will insure your house against fire.保险公司愿为你的房屋保火险。I have insured my car with a Japanese insurance company我已向一家日本保险公司投了我的汽车保险。


6. 养老问题用英语怎么说

问题一:"养老服务业"用英文怎么说  养老服务业 
  全部释义和例句>>Pension service industry 
  全部释义和例句>>Pension service industry 
   问题二:养老保障的英文怎么说  endowment insurance 养老保险 
  medical insurance 医疗保险 
  unemployment insurance 失业保险 
  employment injury insurance 工伤保险 
  maternity insurance 生育保险 
  housing fund 住房公积金 
   问题三:在家养老用英语怎么说  英文没有这个概念的,很多老人全都出去做事情,没钱也作,很少玩儿什么含饴弄孙的。经过工业文化之后,小区,社团,成为离退休人员的主要活动场所了,各种老年中心什么的都没人去,主要是华裔的去聚堆,打麻将,扯老婆舌,老公舌,什么的。这是实情。 
  找一找a typical day of a retiree,可能找到一些资料,真正英文的。 
   问题四:热门单词:“养老服务业”用英文怎么说  “养老服务业”可以用 elderly care service industry 表示,是为老年人提供生活照顾和护理服务(nursing service),满足老年人特殊的生活需求和精神需求的服务行业。面对人口老龄化(aging population)问题,如何养老也备受关注,各类养老服务应运而生,如居家养老服务(home-based care service)、社区养老服务(munity nursing service)等。 
  Pension services, 
  养老服务业old-age service industry 
   问题五:养老保险用英语怎么说  养老保险 
  endowment insurance 
  Old-age insurance 
  The rules suggest that pensions may be portable, but do not say how exactly this will work―and it is difficult for retired foreigners to obtain permanent residency in China. 
   问题六:“养老保险”用英文怎么说  the old-age insurance system 
   问题七:家庭养老用英语怎么讲  养老。用英语怎么说 英文没有这个概念的,很多老人全都出去做事情,没钱也作,很少玩儿什么含饴弄孙的。经过工业文化矗后,小区,社团,成为离退休人员 
   问题八:“养老院”用英语怎么说?  1. beadhouse 
  2. resthome 
  3. rest home 
   问题九:社区养老的英文怎么说  1.养老 
  provide for the aged 
  enjoy a life in retirement 
  to live a retired life 
  The place is suitable for live a retired life 
  This job is very leisure,as enjoy a life in retirement

7. 城镇职工基本养老保险英文怎么写

[网络]    basic endowment insurance for the urban working group;                                                                                                                                      
Energetic efforts will be pooled to advance the reform of pension, unemployment and basic health care insurance systems for urban employees


8. 养老保险用英语怎么说

endowment insurance
Old-age insurance
The rules suggest that pensions may be portable, but do not say how exactly this will work—and it is difficult for retired foreigners to obtain permanent residency in China.